How to Wean Off Alcohol & Safely Taper Drinking

14 Tháng Bảy, 2020

You should be able to taper off alcohol with a few days, 3 to 5 at the most. While you are tapering off alcohol, it is important that you stay hydrated.

If you find it is difficult to prevent yourself from drinking too much and getting drunk, locking your alcohol up in a cabinet and giving your friend or family member the key can help. Although with this method, it is important that the friend or family member is accessible when symptoms of withdrawals such as tremors return. Also, learn to cope with and avoid situations that might cause you to want to drink more. For many other drugs, tapering is actually a standard treatment during medical detox. For people who depend on opioids, benzodiazepines, or antidepressants, it is typical to slowly reduce someone’s dosage as opposed to immediately cutting them off completely.

Sunshine Behavioral Health Facilities

However, understanding how an alcohol taper works and what the process is like can help you prepare yourself and find the support you need. One must always remember the importance of his or her environment. Users should avoid places where recreational or binge drinking is likely to occur, such as clubs, sporting Alcoholic ketoacidosis events, parties and more. This comes down to personal discretion — nobody knows the people and places that create potentially negative consequences like the individual in question. This, of course, is easier said than done if drinking has become the crux of one’s social or romantic relationships.

how to taper off alcohol

Research demonstrates that CBD helps to reduce alcohol intake, motivation for alcohol and relapse. The types of medications administered will depend on each individual and what they are going through. Once the withdrawal process has been completed, the individual can begin therapy and education to help move towards recovery.

There are safe methods of quitting alcohol without going cold turkey.

Tapering is the practice of reducing the consumption of alcohol over a period of time until the amount of alcohol in the system has dropped to zero. The goal of an alcohol taper is to minimize the withdrawal symptoms while still undergoing detox. In essence, tapering is a detoxification process that is not being administered or observed by a doctor or medical staff.

  • Each schedule assumes 8 hours of sleep per day; 16 hours awake.
  • Tracking detailed information in your drinking diary may help you to identify patterns and triggering events that lead to drinking.
  • Alcohol withdrawal syndrome can lead to life-threatening health conditions and even death.
  • You should start by determining how much alcohol you drink per day in terms of standard drinks.
  • People tapering off alcohol may begin experiencing early withdrawal symptoms within 6 to 12 hours after their last drink.